Soon enough, the soldiers discover the flower that, in her haste to hide, Gothel forgot to cover. Upon hearing a rumor that speaks of the legendary sun flower, the king spares no time and dispatches his soldiers to find it. However, the queen soon falls deathly ill. The ruling king and queen of Corona desperately wish for a child and, when the queen finally becomes pregnant, the entire kingdom celebrates. Time goes by and soon a prosperous kingdom is built up nearby. Vain and possessive of the flower, Gothel hides it beneath a woven basket and regularly returns to it to keep herself young. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine"), it emits a power that restores her youth. One day, an old crone named Gothel ( Donna Murphy) finds the flower and discovers that, when she sings a certain song to it ("Flower, gleam and glow. This flower is said to be capable of great healing power. When it touches the ground, a radiant, yellow flower blossoms.

This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel, and it starts with the sun." Centuries ago, a droplet of sunlight falls from the sky and lands on Earth. But don't worry, this is actually a fun story and the truth is it isn't even mine. Flynn's voice narrates: "This is the story of how I died. The film opens on a Wanted poster for Flynn Rider ( Zachary Levi) which is mounted to a tree.